Sunday, June 22, 2008

What's Wrong w/ Natural Hair?!

When we Forget our Roots...
By: Naya Scarbrough

When we’re in a rush to work or school in the morning, we need the quickest possible way to get ourselves ready. Some may pick out our clothes the night before, some eat breakfast on our way to work, and some of us relax our hair so that it’s always ready to go. The sad thing is that this need for speed and manageability damages our hair and scalp. Most relaxers contain lye, an ingredient that is capable of decomposing dead bodies. Doesn’t sound like something that belongs in hair, does it? Even “no lye” relaxers, which lead people to believe that harmful chemicals are not in these relaxers, are just as bad for hair. A “no lye” relaxer is a lighter relaxer, but it is still dangerous.So, with this information, why don’t we just go natural? Natural hair is safe, and though it may take a little more effort to maintain, it is easier to keep hair healthy this way. Considering the damage a relaxer and heat styling can do to hair (especially blow drying and flat ironing after a fresh relaxer) just about anything is healthier than a relaxer. Some say that they choose to relax their hair because it’s easier to style, but there are plenty of beautiful, natural styles. Some relax their hair so that they will not stand out in the workplace, especially when the workplace is predominantly white, but everyone should be proud of the hair that they are given. Frizzy hair, curly hair, nappy hair, all kinds of hair can be healthily managed at the same price or less than relaxed hair costs to keep up. Salon charges alone start at $500 a year; $500 to constantly damage your hair. When you eliminate relaxing from your hair care plans, you save money and your hair.So start taking care of your roots, by showing off the roots that gave you those fabulous locks!


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is so true. People should care about their hair.. you preach on girl!! if this is just a prelude to what Phuzion has to offer then i'm definitely interested

Eboni said...

I love it