5. Why is MC Lyte stuck doing voice overs for the BET Awards? It’s bad enough I have to hear her on every Pizza Hut or Applebees commercial, now she’s talking to me before we go to the commercial? Two thumbs down!
4. Lil’ Kim. That’s all.
3. Am I the only worried civilian who feels that Kanye’s mouth will be the death of America? The dude is cool on record but, for every award show I’m going to need a muzzle nearby.
2. Usher. Being that he was gone for 4 years, I was really expecting a major comeback. Love In This Club= Cheap Re-Entry into the game. It was weak. Moving Mountains isn’t "moving" sales either. He definitely could have brought it at his first award show since his return. No Lil’ Wayne or Beyonce cam? Get it together, fam. Chris Brown is in the process of stealing your spot.
1. Who in their “right” mind gave Keyshia Cole’s mother and sister a mic? The whole essence of their presence was pretty disappointing. Had her sister been there alone or her mother had a sedative, it would have been a much better show. “Holla!” and “Man Down” aren’t making people laugh now that they see you REALLY act like that. No offense, but Crack definitely is Whack.
The bad was indeed shocking and a bit bewildering while the good things about this years BET awards definitely delivered in all aspects. Some more than others.
5. Ne-yo. The performance was really good. Still not in route to become the future King of R&B but it was worth watching the show. Kudos to Ne-yo.
4.5. =] Ciara's performance was bananas. Or was it Chris Brown's? Whichever it was, Ciara took control of the entire stage.
4. The Al Green tribute was great. Jill Scott has a sultry, dominating voice that could turn anyone out; Anthony Hamilton looked groomed which is a good look on his part, and; Maxwell. Jaw-dropping and unexpected explains his performance. It had been awhile since he’d last been seen on stage and the comeback was phenomenal.
3. When BET changes the hosts of any of their awards shows, they tend to think any and everyone is a comic. Mo’Nique definitely set the bar high when she first hosted the urban event but lowered it during her second appearance. D.L. Hughley entered the game and played it well. The Warren/Marvin Sapp gig was hilarious! It was more than a step up from Damon Wayans. That was just sad.
2. I know a great deal of people are tired of T-Pain by now but he is a completely underrated performer. He was introduced as “… ft. T-Pain” for Chris’s Sake! There is no doubt that he is heard on every radio, seen on every T.V., and read in every magazine. Not a King but a force to be reckoned with.
1. Alicia Keys is a reigning queen in Music, period (beside Beyonce of course). Her albums have sold millions and she has solidified her name in the game by becoming a world renowned artist. She delivered what has become the best performance of the night, by far; a classic. But I do have a question: Should she have been the one to bring out all of these girl groups? I can understand the respect but the chance should have been given to someone who was actually in a girl group or presently is in one. Nevertheless, Alicia stole everyone’s heart and MADE the BET awards. Even with the horrible wig. =]
3. When BET changes the hosts of any of their awards shows, they tend to think any and everyone is a comic. Mo’Nique definitely set the bar high when she first hosted the urban event but lowered it during her second appearance. D.L. Hughley entered the game and played it well. The Warren/Marvin Sapp gig was hilarious! It was more than a step up from Damon Wayans. That was just sad.
2. I know a great deal of people are tired of T-Pain by now but he is a completely underrated performer. He was introduced as “… ft. T-Pain” for Chris’s Sake! There is no doubt that he is heard on every radio, seen on every T.V., and read in every magazine. Not a King but a force to be reckoned with.
1. Alicia Keys is a reigning queen in Music, period (beside Beyonce of course). Her albums have sold millions and she has solidified her name in the game by becoming a world renowned artist. She delivered what has become the best performance of the night, by far; a classic. But I do have a question: Should she have been the one to bring out all of these girl groups? I can understand the respect but the chance should have been given to someone who was actually in a girl group or presently is in one. Nevertheless, Alicia stole everyone’s heart and MADE the BET awards. Even with the horrible wig. =]
All in all, The 2008 BET Awards receive 3.5 Bolts from Phuzion Magazine. They weren't the greatest, but if it just happened to be on your television while nothing else was on, you can watch it. 'Til next year folks. Phuzion is signing off.
By. Geoffrey T. Witherspoon Jr.
nice article geoffrey..you could have left the beyonce part out but i wouldnt expect you to...keep it up!
lol at usher. i cant get with moving mountains either! great article!
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